Of growing plants is a technique by which cells are cultivated plants, tissues or organs in artificial nutrient media, static or fluid in aseptic and controlled conditions. The key to the success of tissue culture is totipotency.
The cultivation of cells in the set, clones of each cell, a plant from any single cell, tissue or organ - is possible in vitro using different cell culture techniques. These techniques of growing plants areThey are listed below:
Callus Meristem Organ culture Protoplast culture
In the first callus is a mass of callus highly vacuolated, disorganized cells, as a result of wounds in plants and cultured with the use of modern techniques. A cell can, etc., pollen, anthers, buds, fruit, leaves or stem cells to differentiate when cultured on a suitable medium of nutrients, aseptic and controlled, and multiply to form callus.This callus-induced re-differentiation may give rise to embryoids. Embryoids developed in plants and later in a plant life.
Callus culture works on some basic principles. This is aseptic preparation of plant material, the selection of appropriate culture medium (auxin: cytokinin ratio is important to consider), the selection of appropriate conditions and check the physical growth for incubation.
In the second meristem, the meristem is a group of undifferentiated plantEnter cells (located on the tips of growth), services for every type of tissue forms. Removal is generally used shiny dome-shaped structure measuring less than 0.1 mm with a pair or two early youngest leaf.
In the culture of the third body, a particular organ is removed and grown on a nutrient medium suitable for growing in aseptic and controlled physical conditions. This keeps the institution concerned in its characteristic structure and functions and continue to grow as opposed toCallus organizational culture in which he lost to the intact tissue. It consists of anther, pollen culture, embryo culture, ovary, root, shoot, flower buds, fruits, seeds, green leafy plants, etc.